Facts and Figures
Facts and Figures

Slope Information System

Disclaimer for the Release of Information in the Slope Information System (SIS)

  1. The Slope Information System (SIS) contains pertinent information on man-made slopes in the Catalogue of Slopes and such other information related thereto. The information contained herein has been collected as part of our efforts to provide comprehensive and up-to-date slope information in the planning and implementation of the government slope safety work. The information contained in this Slope Information System should not be regarded as all the information possessed by the Government in respect of the slopes or their surroundings. If you rely solely on the information in the Slope Information System, you are doing so entirely at your own risk. You may wish to obtain specialist professional advice to assist in interpreting the information provided in the Slope Information System.
  2. Topographic survey of the slopes and their surroundings is normally not carried out for registration in the SIS. The boundaries of the registered slopes are approximately shown in the SIS for indication only and the dimensions of the slopes (e.g. height, gradient and length) are only approximately estimated based on field inspections subject to site constraints and limitations, including but not limited to access problems and presence of vegetation, structures and other obstacles.
  3. The descriptions, presentation, findings, interpretation, etc. in the Slope Information System are subject to a number of limitations, including but not limited to the methods adopted in data collection and the site conditions at the time of inspection. The Government makes no warranty on the accuracy or correctness of any description, representation, findings, interpretation, etc. in this Slope Information System. You should not rely solely on the information contained herein in deciding whether or not to undertake any planning/ study/ construction/ remedial/ maintenance works.
  4. The Government will under no circumstances whatsoever be responsible for or held responsible or liable for any loss or damage to any property or any injury suffered by or death occasioned to any person which may howsoever arise either directly or indirectly as a result of or incidental to using any of the information provided herein.

Disclaimer on Information on Slope Maintenance Parties

(The Information on parties responsible for maintenance of slopes on this website has been extracted from the SIMAR Register maintained by the Lands Department. Use of this information is subject to the same Disclaimer as posted by the Lands Department and is given below. In case of discrepancy between the maintenance responsibility information herein and the SIMAR Register maintained by the Lands Department, the later shall prevail. The Register information is available to the public at the Slope Maintenance Responsibility Information Centre of the Lands Department at 2/F, North Point Government Offices, 333 Java Road, North Point.)

  1. The Register is prepared in accordance with information provided by the consultants employed by the Government. The aim is to provide a quick and convenient preliminary reference to the public for the purpose of assisting them to identify the lot/party who is responsible for the maintenance of slopes noted therein. The Register contains information relating to man-made slopes only. The Government makes no warranty as to the accuracy and correctness of the contents of the Register. The Government shall have no liability for any loss or damage of any kind arising out of the information contained in the Register, its maintenance or disclosure to the public howsoever occasioned. You should inspect the relevant documents and consult your own advisers for independent advice and opinion as to the accuracy or correctness of the contents of the Register.
  2. The Register does not by itself impose any liability for the maintenance of slopes upon the 'Responsible Lot/Party' noted in the Register and should not be solely relied upon as such. In the event that the Government is noted as the responsible lot/party in the Register, it shall not be taken as an admission or acknowledgement of liability on the part of the Government.
  3. The Register is prepared in accordance with the information available at the time of the preparation of the Register and subsequent changes may affect the contents of the Register. You should check and ascertain for yourselves the most up-to-date information. In particular, the Government states that sub-division of the land may not have been taken into account or reflected in the determination of the maintenance responsibility noted therein. Any sub-division of the land that have been effected and any future sub-division of the land may affect the accuracy of the information contained in the Register. If you have doubt as to whether any sub-division of land may or may not affect the maintenance responsibility of the slopes, you should consult your own advisers for independent advice.
  4. The Government shall be under no liability to any person whomsoever for any loss or damage howsoever arising in connection with or in consequence of the existence of the Register or any reliance placed upon the information contained in or omitted from the Register.
  5. The Government reserves the right to change, alter, add, delete, revise and update any information contained in the Register at such time and in such manner as it considers appropriate. Notwithstanding anything herein contained, the Government is not obliged to and shall not be required to keep all the information contained in the Register up-to-date.