Po Shan Drainage Tunnel -
Landslide Sci-Tech Chamber

 Home > Individual Visit

Application for Visiting Po Shan Drainage Tunnel - Landslide Sci-Tech Chamber

Individual Visit

The Po Shan Drainage Tunnel – Landslide Sci-Tech Chamber is located at Po Shan Road, Mid-levels, at the east of Po Shan Mansions (see Location Plan).

Please refer to the Booking Schedule for the visiting slots available for reservations. The visit is a individual visit and each visit is limited to a maximum of 25 participants. It will take approximately 1 hour.

Application Procedures

  1. Please submit your application for visit via our web registration system. The application will be handled on a first-come-first-served basis.
  2. Please return the duly completed application form by email: poshan@cedd.gov.hk, at least 2 weeks prior to the preferred date of visit. The application will be handled on a first-come-first-served basis.
  3. If the number of applicants is less than 10 in 5 working days prior to the date of a particular visiting slot, that visit will be cancelled and the enrolled applicants will be informed in writing via e-mail accordingly.
  4. Successful application will be notified through email provided about 1 weeks before the date of event.
  5. Mobile phone number and e-mail address of the applicant provided in the above will only be used for contact regarding the application/arrangement of visit when necessary.
  6. Participant must be 6 years old or above on the date of visit. Participant who is 6-14 years old must be accompanied by an adult aged 18 or above.
  7. For enquiries, please contact our staff at 2762 5038 or poshan@cedd.gov.hk.

Notes on Application

  1. Age and Number of Participants
    1. Participants must be of 6 years old or above on the date of visit. Children under 15 years old will only be allowed to participate in the visit when accompanied by an adult (i.e. 18 years old or above). Each adult is allowed to bring up to 2 children below the age of 15.
    2. The maximum number of participants, including the applicant, under each application is 4. The number of participants submitted in an application could not be altered upon submission.
  2. Medium of Instruction
    1. Normally Cantonese will be used as the medium of instruction during the visit.
  3. Arrangements under Adverse Weather Conditions
    1. For sake of safety of visitors under adverse weather, no visitors will be allowed to enter the Po Shan Drainage Tunnel – Landslide Sci-Tech Chamber if there is a Thunderstorm Warning affecting Hong Kong Island/Red or Black Rainstorm Warning/Landslip Warning/Typhoon Signal No. 3 or above. The arrangements are as follows:
      1. If any of the above warning/signals is issued and still be in force 2 hours before the scheduled starting time of the visit, the visit will be cancelled. The participants need not to proceed to the venue.
      2. If any of the above warning/signals is issued right before the commencement of or during the visit, the visit will be ceased and all activities will be called off immediately. Participants shall leave the venue safely when the weather condition permits.
    2. It is the responsibility of the applicants to pay attention to the weather conditions prior to the visit and follow the cancellation requirement in (i) above. On top of that, CEDD will notify the applicants regarding the cancellation via sending SMS to the mobile telephone numbers provided in their applications.
    3. CEDD has the absolute right to decide to continue or cease the visit depending on weather conditions or actual situations of the venue.
  4. Measures for Health and Hygiene
    1. No dangerous goods such as flammable liquids should be carried to the venue.
    2. Do not drink or eat during the visit.
    3. Please keep the venue clean and do not litter or spit.
    4. Smoking is not allowed.
    5. If you feel unwell or need assistance during the visit, please notify CEDD staff immediately.
  5. Personal Safety
    1. Participants are advised to wear flat-bottom walking shoes or trainers.
    2. Participants must follow the instructions of CEDD staff and stay within the designated areas throughout the visit.
    3. Participants should not run, play, make noise or climb on railings, fences or slopes.
    4. Participants must not touch any electromechanical facilities.
    5. In case of fire or sudden bad weather, participants should keep calm and follow the instructions of CEDD staff to evacuate and/or take shelter in a safe place.
    6. If the participants’ behavior causes nuisance to others, CEDD staff has the right to ask the relevant participant(s) to leave the venue immediately.
  6. Others
    1. The participants shall take care of their personal belongings.
    2. During the event, CEDD may take video and photos for the purpose of publicity and promotion by the government or the relevant organisations. For enquiries, please contact us at 2762 5038.
    3. CEDD reserves the right, with advance notice given, to cancel any scheduled visit.
    4. If the applicant could not attend the visit, he/she should notify CEDD at least 3 working days prior to the date of visit by e-mail to poshan@cedd.gov.hk. If the applicant does not show up on the date of visit without prior notice, CEDD reserves the right to refuse him/her from participating in other visits to be held by the CEDD in future.

Personal Data Collection Statement

  1. Purpose of Collection
    The personal data provided by means of the web registration system will only be used for processing the application, including contacting the applicants when necessary, for visit to Po Shan Drainage Tunnel - Landslide Sci-Tech Chamber.
  2. Classes of Transferees
    The personal data you provide by means of the web registration system may be disclosed to other government bureaux and departments, and other organisations commissioned by or agents engaged by CEDD for the purposes mentioned in paragraph 1 above.
  3. Access to Personal Data
    You have a right of access and correction with respect to personal data as provided for in sections 18 and 22 and Principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Your right of access includes the right to obtain a copy of your personal data provided in the web registration system subject to payment of a fee.
  4. Enquiries
    For enquiries concerning the personal data collected by means of the web registration system, including the making of access and corrections, please contact us at 2762 5038 or via e-mail to poshan@cedd.gov.hk (Address: Community Advice and Education Section, Slope Safety Division, Geotechnical Engineering Office, Civil Engineering and Development Department, 7/F, Civil Engineering and Development Building, 101 Princess Margaret Road, Homantin, Kowloon).
 Copyright © Geotechnical Engineering Office, CEDD, HKSARG. All rights reserved.